The concept of Crypto art has been around for more than five years, but NFTs (Non Fungible Token) appeared unexpectedly for many investors outside of the crypto realm. The epidemic, the dramatic rise in bitcoin values, and institutional acceptance are all speculative reasons that are inflating the bubble of Crypto world. If a person is outside of a bubble, thinking missed opportunities and earnings, it looks and feels different. Insiders perceive a different reality — they profit from irrational, skyrocketing markets.
When purchase or sell NFT art, neither you own material or work of art, nor you have control over its replication or distribution. Instead, you possess the rights to the one-of-a-kind token on the blockchain. Although art has historically been used to hold value, crypto readily expands the
concept to digitised and tokenised art, making it efficient to transfer value as well. It is an innovative and modern platform for investing in art and trading it in the same manner that gold, equities, or bitcoin are traded.
Digital tokens are immutable, cannot be replicated, and can be easily confirmed and authenticated on the blockchain. The same concepts apply to digital tokens as they do to their relative crypto-currencies. The value is currently only driven by scarcity.
In March 2021, Christie’s sold the first non-fungible token based purely on a digital work of art ever offered by a major auction house for US$69,346,250.
NFTs being less risky as Fractionalizing is an increasingly popular way to buy art in recent years. It allows owners to buy shares in the same piece. If you are seeking for rapid return on investment, you will have to do a lot of research to sort through the sea of NFTs and pick a sector that fits your risk appetite and interests.
It is vital to find a dependable, legitimate issuer of NFT art and collectibles that isn't just flooding the market to make money for itself necessitates extensive research. Andakulova Gallery teamed-up with MORROW Collective to represent renowned Central Asian artists: Almagul Menlibayeva, Askhat Ahmediyarov, Bakhodir Jalal and Saule Suleimenova: its’ first NFT exhibition curated by Anna Seaman.