Sanjar Djabbarov
1986 - Born in Gulistan, Sirdaria region
2004 - 2008 - National Institute of Art and Design of Kamoliddin Bekhzod, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Untitled, 2014 oil on canvas 160 x 110 cm
A Bull, 2012 oil on canvas 190 x 220 cm 1,770 USD
A Dancer, 2012 acrylic on paper 90 x 70 cm 1,120 USD
Untitled, 2012 acrylic on paper 90 x 70 cm 1,340 USD
Shout series I, 2010 oil on canvas 70 x 50cm
Shout series II, 2010 oil on canvas 70 x 50cm 765 USD
Anticipation, 2012 oil on canvas 145 x 94 cm
Red Dress, 2010 oil on canvas 110 x 170 cm
Anticipation, 2012 oil on canvas 145 x 94 cm
Birthday, 2012 oil on canvas 160 x 110 cm
On the run, 2011 oil on canvas 120 x 200 cm
Untitled, 2012 Acrylic on paper 84 x 61 cm
A Mother and Child, 2012 acrylic on paper 61 x 84cm
Rain, 2012 oil on canvas 80 x 70 cm
A Dog in the snow, 2012 oil on canvas 60 x 90 cm
Metamorphose, 2012 oil on canvas 70 x 120 cm