Dilyara Kaipova
Dilyara Kaipova (Panova) born in 1967 in Tashkent. From 1986 to 1990, she studied at the Republican Art College named. P. P. Benkov at the Department of Art Design. From 1998 to 2013, she worked as a painter decorator in the Uzbek State musical drama theatre named after Mukimi. From 2013 to 2015, she worked as the Art Director and master hand of puppets in educational theatre at the Uzbek State Institute of Arts and assistant at the Department of "the Mastery of puppet theatre". Also staged in regional puppet theatres in the cities Bukhara and Jizzakh. Since 1998, she works in the technique of soft pastels.
In 2000, she had solo exhibition in Ilkhom Theatre, Tashkent and in Art Center Pushkinskaya-10 in St. Petersburg, Russia during 2002. She participated also in various national and city exhibitions.
Untitled, 2015 oil pastel on paper 70 x 50 cm
Untitled, 2015 oil pastel on paper 70 x 50 cm
Untitled, 2015 oil pastel on paper 70 x 50 cm
Untitled, 2014 oil pastel on paper 50 x 60 cm
Untitled, 2014 oil pastel on paper 50 x 60 cm